Searching for the Blue Crab Cakes perfect Alternatives

While in Pawley Island, South Carolina in July 2021, I was looking for some great tasting Blue Crab Cakes, I learned quickly when visiting there was a shortage of Blue Crabs and prices had sky rocketed. I still wanted to try some try some Blue Crab cakes, I made it Murrell Outlet a couple of miles away and found a restaurant called Drunken Jacks and order some blue crab cakes that were very pricey but tasted unbelievable.

Crown Prince Canned Crab

When I got back home still thinking about delicious blue crabs I had at Drunken Jacks, I thought about searching for the perfect blue crab alternatives. I begun doing basic searches on the internet searching for blue crab cakes and fish cakes found a mountain of different recipes. I found an Prince Crown Canned Crabs

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