Is Atlantic Herring missing from your diet? Great Saving on Herring Salted Filets

Scared by Amazon’s high price then it is time to shop at Cook Swedish online store owned by located in Lindsborg, Kansas known as little Sweden and save 20.51 on five pound bucket of Noon Hour herring salted filets

Atlantic Herring has a higher amount of Omega 3 than salmon or sardines. Omega 3 is important reducing the bad fat in your blood.

An interesting recipes is to make a herring empanada which are popular in counties like Spain. You can use a Empanada Mix from Gold Mills to make your Empanada or substitute a biscuit mix. Put your favorite ingredients and some canned herring into the empanada. Then you can bake or fry your herring empanada.

Shopping for Atlantic Herring is a chore. The first store I stopped at was Target where I discovered no herring at all on their shelves. Then I went to Fresh Market where I found one brand Bar Harbor of tinned herring and purchased it. Bar Harbor brand of Atlantic tinned Herring was worth well worth it and very tasty.

Next on my quest for tinned herring filet will be Mejier Grocery Store.

Atlantic Herring is better tasting than sardines.

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