3 Great Atlantic Herring Omelette Recipes

Liking omelettes and Atlantic herrings I set out on a quest to find to find exciting recipes for my morning breakfast. A salted smoke herring omelette roll from Haiti made the top of my list. This exciting omelette recipe had 14 different ingredients featuring eggs , herring, graded cheese. sour cream, and pickled shallots. Annick…

Secret Ingredients for making alternative Seafood

Secret Ingredients for making alternative Seafood include Jack Fruit which is used to make a plant base salmon meal. Several leading culinary school like Escoffier offer special program for generating plant based foods. Plant based seafood restaurants are on the rise and chefs with diploma from Escofier will be in high demand. Many other types…

Will desalination plants help Spur Mexico Aquaculture future?

Mexico Aquaculture will be aided by new desalination plants in Mexico if they follow the path of some of the Saudi Arabi plans by incorporating aquaculture into the desalination plants. With the advances in aquaculture and dwindling supply of wild caught fin fish like salmon, Mexico fish farming could be quite profitable by supplying Southern…

Does Mexico’s Aquaculture have the potential to be an Exporter of Seafood?

At the present time the average Mexican person eats 26 pounds of seafood a year with local production unable to keep up with demand. However fish farmers have problems with high electricity, infrastructure, and poor quality feed. Aquaculture Permits take less time to get in Mexico than US. The cost of labor is substainably less…

Seafood Labeling can be Confusing

Seafood labeling is not standardized. There is movement to the public know their purchase is sustainable seafood. In short substainable seafood is using best practice of fishing by not over fishing and not unduly the environment when fishing. Several of the markings found on your seafood label include the certification from MSC which is from…

Seafood Business Partners Locator

Seafood Partners Locator is a new program being developed for people looking for partners to help in running or starting or providing services for small related seafood businesses. Popular types of seafood business that might need help are mobile food trucks and aquaculture leases for raising fresh oysters. Types of people that might be good…

Is Canola Oil based commercial fish feed a trend in the future?

According to a variety of studies show Canola oil maybe a good alternative to fish meal in commercial fish feed for use in Aquaculture. Fish meal prices could increase by 43 percent in 2020. The price of fish meal peaked in 2020 and by December 15, 2021 the price had dropped to $1,436 per metric…