natural shrimp

Will Natural Shrimp Stock take off Soon ? or is it Aquabounty Technologies time?

Natural Shrimp out of Dallas has developed recirculating tank technology for indoor shrimp farming without the use of antibiotics or toxic chemical for raising shrimp.

Natural Shrimp is a publicly traded company under the symbols shmp that exponentially growth potential. Natural Shrimp is trading .11 a share on the over the counter market. Get in on the ground floor of this new Penny stock maybe like on the ground floor of power house Amazon.

On August 19, 2020 applied to get on Nasdq , which takes about 4 to 6 weeks to get approved. Might be an interesting stock before approve by Nasdq,

An update January 18, 2021, Natural Shrimp is now trading over 40 cents a share.

Update February 3, 2022, it is trading at .36 a share. New waterless packaging keeping shrimp h introduced in October 2021 seems to be successful and this program is being rolled out to more customers in February.

Update May 27, 2022 Natural Shrimp is trading at .17 a share. The Natural Shrimp is becoming a major disappointment were suppose to be on NASDQ in 2020. No mention on website of selling any Shrimp maybe top heavy in management.

Other indoor shrimp farmers seemed to be making progress, Transparent Sea Farm out of Los Angeles, CA, uses raceway in the final stages of grow out of their Pacific Whitely Prawn, however the price of Shrimp closer to 24.00 a pound. There are other smaller operators in the Cleveland, Ohio area that might have some interesting indoor shrimp.

Aqua Bounty that does not raise shrimp but could a potential powerhouse in the aquaculture world as their indoor farming of their salmon seems to progressively as they harvesting their salmon but looks they will need more capital to expand before they become profitable as the new proposed full scale salmon farm will cost between 250 to 300 million dollars. Aquabounty Technologies has more of a strategic plan with their first harvest in 2020 with a projected harvest of 55,000 tons of salmon.

At the present time i have small position in Natural Shrimp and Aqua Bounty Technologies. I plan to increase my holdings in Aqua Bounty Technologies shortly. Some of the smaller aquaculture like Transparent Sea Farms have not gone issuing stock for sale.

Aqua Bounty stock may start soar in price soon with a couple major catalyst taking place.

1 The price of beef skyrocketing because the price of feed project to go from 140 to 180

2. The draught causing excessive amount of cattle death

3.Farm Raised Salmon becoming competitive to wild caught salmon

4. BY Desalination plants incorporating incorporating aquaculture project in their planning

5. Continued draught bring on the increase shortage of drinking water with more renewed interest in building desalination plants.

6. Companies like WH Group, Hong Kong based company taking over Smithfield Processing, Aqua Bounty may see a take over from a business that is in a country that is very progressive in desalination like Saudi Arabi, Israel, Spain, Egypt, and Mexico. Maybe a major desalination company might be interested in aqua Bounty like Acciona from Spain, Doosan Heavy from South Korea, Suez Company, or Veolia from Aubervilliers, France

Looking for a sleeping stock Aqua Bounty maybe a winner. Note I have positions in this stock

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